
Health Careers Opportunity Programs (HCOP) K-16​

A series of educational programs for students from all grade levels are offered during the summer months and year round.  ​

Continuing Education Programs​

Annual Mental Health and Substance Abuse Awareness Symposium – May​
Binational Health Conference – July​
Annual Update in Medicine Conference – October​
Annual Domestic Violence Conference – October ​

Community Health Literacy Programs​

The population in the Mid Rio Grande Border region has an increasing propensity to chronic diseases including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and asthma.  More than 30% of the population is uninsured and, thus, have decreased access to care.  The MRGBAHEC staff works in collaboration with educational institutions, health care facilities, health care providers, social services agencies and coalitions to help educate the community about disease prevention and health promotion projects.​

Mid Rio Grande Valley AHEC
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