Starting New Year with Pop Health Club

Starting New Year with Pop Health Club

Starting back in October, South Central AHEC partnered with UT School of Public health to host high school students from across San Antonio and start a Population Health Club. Since then, students have been meeting on a monthly basis and have learned about GIS Mapping, Emergency Preparedness and much more! The club is now gearing up to start the New Year with new and exciting topics and activities that include a Poverty Simulation with Dr. Adelita Cantu, an assistant professor with the UT Health School of Nursing and an Alzheimer’s/Dementia Virtual Tour with Dr. Carole White, also a professor with the UT Health School of Nursing. The club is free and open to high school students of all ages and offers students an opportunity to learn about population health, while engaging with other students, and learning about various health care disciplines. Most of all this the Pop Health Club is a fun and interesting way for students to get a jump start on their careers.

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