High School Students participating in South Central AHEC's Public Health Camp Gathered together

Pipeline Programs

Our pipeline programs offer creative, hands-on and innovative health career opportunities for pre-college level students.

AHEC Scholars Program

Our AHEC Scholars is an interprofessional education (IPE) program for health professions students interested in gaining additional knowledge and experience working with rural and underserved populations.

Community Health Worker (CHW) Training Institute

We recognize the important contributions of CHWs in reaching vulnerable, low-income and underserved members, and strive to provide opportunities for CHW certification and accredited continuing education.

Continuing Education

We provide accredited continued education programs and professional support to meet the needs of healthcare professionals, especially those practicing in rural and underserved areas.


DSHS CHW Programs

We are excited to participate in the Texas Department of State and Health Services (DSHS) CDC-funded Health Equity Grant to help reduce COVID-19 disparities as well as to build community capacity within each of the ST-AHEC’s centers.




Project ECHO

We use technology to disseminate expert information on healthcare issues and build capacity among healthcare providers in our area.